Thursday, November 13, 2008

Indo – Arab Relations

Pearl Fishery – A comparative study

The most significant trade practice that linked Bahrainis and Tamils socially and commercially it the Pearl Industry. Bahrainis and Tamils were flourishing in Pearl fishery almost during the same period and the diving methods employed by both were same.

The diving method employed by Bahrainis in Arabian Gulf and the Tamils at Gulf of Mannar (Present day Tutucorin) has scarcely altered since the time of the famous Arab Traveler Ibn Batutah. The remarkable pearl fishery of Arabian Gulf has been known to historians since 300 B.C. and the Gulf of Mannar fisheries since 500 B.C.

The Oysters found in these fisheries are of same species known as Pinctada radiate and the method of fishing is also by naked diving. The quality of fishing from both the region was considered very high. Historians believe that either one of the civilization influenced other or vice versa which is evident from these rare photographs.

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